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Selected interviews (most complete): video  ||  text

Article on the program "Fantástico", Globo network:

World Record registered in the Guinness Book: certificate , photo , video

Selected articles: ( Science, Philosophy, Statistics, Mathematics, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Psychometry, History of Science, Biomedicine, Astrobiology, Data Science , Investments etc. )

 “Hindemburg Melon Jr. is considered one of the most intelligent people in Brazil, he stands out for his incomparable capacity for logical reasoning and abstract thinking, in other words for his excellence in what is most evolved in human thought.” ( Dr. Silésia Maria Veneroso Delphino Tosi , specialist in intelligence tests, with a PhD in Neuropsychology from USP)  

“Everything that is played by the intellectuals of Hindenburg Melão Jr. becomes a wealth of knowledge. Endowed with an incredible cognitive ability, which allowed him to become a profound connoisseur of various subjects, and a brilliant reasoning that enables him to challenge concepts and launch new ideas on these subjects.” ( Colonel José Paulo do Prado Dieguez , professor of Numerical Calculus at the Instituto Militar de Engenharia and author of academic books )

“There is no intellectual in Brazil or in the world who produces content of depth and originality similar to the work of Melão Jr. In addition, Melon Jr. assumes the simultaneous position of innovator and disseminator of ideas – in science, researchers who make relevant innovations, such as Newton and Einstein, are rare; in the same way, there are few who manage to disseminate these ideas in a didactic and captivating way to the lay public, often influencing lay people to stop being so, like Carl Sagan. Melon Jr. simultaneously assumes both roles in its articles, brilliantly innovating and disseminating in a variety of areas.” ( João Antonio Locks Justi , finalist in the Brazilian Mathematics Olympiad, specialist in Tax Law and author of innovations in Mathematics, Computer Science and Cryptography )

“I know Hindemburg Melon Jr. since 2002, when I was contacted regarding the Sigma Society, of which he is a founder. Since then, I have had the privilege of getting to know him better and, at the same time, of always being impressed by the scope of his genius, creativity, simplicity, integrity and his refined sense of humor. Melon is a highly capable and creative polymath who is deeply dedicated and takes ownership of any subject that interests him. His qualities make him capable of performing any high-level role or project he dedicates himself to with the maximum possible result.” ( Prof. Dr. Renato P. dos Santos , researcher and university professor, referee in several international scientific journals, has two post-docs in Artificial Intelligence, one in Germany and the other in Austria, supervisor of Doctoral students).


Discover other opinions about Hindemburg Melão Jr. here .


Hindemburg Melon Jr. was born in the East Zone of São Paulo, where he spent his childhood and adolescence. His father was orphaned at an early age and started working while he was still a child, having even dropped out of second grade to help out at home. He came to work as a shoeshine boy, mechanic's assistant, assistant in a glass factory and truck driver; her mother was the granddaughter of Indians and was an elementary school teacher in the state public school system.

At just two years old, Hindemburg had a hemorrhage that lasted several days and was diagnosed as a hemophiliac. This had a profound impact on his life as his mother would not let him leave the house to play as he could bleed to death if he suffered any minor injuries. Years later, when she lost her first deciduous teeth, her mother was also desperate, afraid that she might openly bleed again, but that didn't happen. That's why the initial diagnosis was disputed, as hemophilia would be incurable, but in your case, apparently there was a “spontaneous remission” or maybe it was a misdiagnosis. Reanalysis of the case led to the hypothesis that it could be a platelet deficiency with hemophilia-like symptoms.  

Although he grew up in an environment without financial and cultural abundance, he presented several precocious talents and a behavior very different from that of other children, to the point that, at the age of 3, his parents took him to be psychologically examined and it was found that he had the mental age of 9 years. This corresponds to an IQ of around 300 on the Cattell scale, equivalent to 200 on the Stanford-Binet scale. For comparison, the average IQ of the world population is 100 and the average IQ in Brazil is 87. According to the classification originally proposed by Dr. Lewis Terman, the IQ required to be considered “gifted” is 140 and to be considered “genius” is 180. According to Garth Zietsman in the average IQ of MIT engineers is 144 and the average of Nobel Prize winners in scientific fields is 155. 
From the age of 5, Hindemburg already showed a deep curiosity about scientific topics. At age 9 he deduced some of the principles of Fractal Geometry and at 13, before learning anything about logarithms, he developed a method for calculating logarithms different from Napier's.

At the beginning of the 20th century, studies carried out in the United States by Dr. Leta Hollingworth showed that children with an IQ above 160 and especially above 180 tend to drop out of school, as schoolwork does not offer stimulating challenges, the pace of teaching does not keep up with the pace of learning of these children, creativity is not valued critical thinking. Conventional teaching boils down to memorizing and repeating information. This problem is especially acute among poor children. Thomas Edison, Michael Faraday, Steve Jobs are some examples of deeply gifted children from low-income families who dropped out of academic life early. In these three cases, despite having faced numerous adversities, they achieved professional success, but they are exceptions. The vast majority of these children end up like Christopher Michael Langan (IQ 195, nightclub security) or Rick Rosner (IQ 193, nudist model), in underemployment, resulting in inestimable damage to the world, as they could contribute to the cure of numerous diseases. and solve a wide variety of scientific, social, technological, educational, etc.  

To face this catastrophic problem of truancy, which implied precisely the loss of the most brilliant minds in the country, Dr. Hollingworth founded an institution to identify children with this profile and offer special courses to them, respecting the individual rhythm of learning, encouraging creative production and critical analysis. To this day, The Hollingworth Center for Highly Gifted Children annually serves hundreds of talented children and guides them towards an academic career, or the area in which they are most gifted, ensuring that they become productive citizens and contribute to the well-being of the community.  

According to Dr. Eunice Maria Lima Soriano do Alencar, in 1978 there were 1200 institutions in the United States dedicated to special education for talented children. In Israel, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Australia and virtually all developed countries, there are also numerous institutes with similar proposals. An Australian educational issuer stated that he considered investing in special education for highly skilled people to be very important because this is a nation's most valuable natural resource. Indeed, in the 1970s, China, India and Thailand began a vigorous process of encouraging and supporting talented children and youth, with massive investment in special education. Thailand did not continue the project, but China and India soon began to reap the excellent fruits of this enterprise, whose results, about 15 years later, began to be reflected in an accelerated scientific, technological, cultural, economic and social development, elevating these countries to the status of major world powers and with the fastest rise in the last 30 years, substantially improving the quality of life of all their citizens. Unfortunately, there is nothing similar in Brazil.  

Hindemburg's school life was not much different than expected, based on Dr. Hollingworth, especially for living in Brazil, where the neglect of Basic Education is demeaning, and even worse with Special Education, which practically does not exist in the country. Hindemburg dropped out of studies several times, since the 5th grade, until he left permanently in the 1st semester of the Physics faculty. Although he did not choose an academic career, he ended up producing a very substantial intellectual legacy, with numerous innovations.  

Hindemburg is the author of more than 1700 articles in different fields of knowledge, including innovative proposals of considerable relevance in Investments, Psychometry, Chess, Astrometry, Astrophysics, Cognitive Science, Philosophy, Theology, Anthropometry, Biomedicine, Risk Management, Data Science, among others. Hindemburg also holds some world records for intellectual pursuits, one of which is recorded in the Guinness Book, 1998 edition, pages 110-111 .

From a very young age, he had an exceptional memory for numbers and for chess, a characteristic he inherited from his parents, as both had hypermnesia. Years later, this feature contributed to breaking a world record in blind chess, as well as helping to recognize and organize a large number of patterns that occur in the Financial Market, patterns that indicate asymmetries in the probabilities that quotes will go in a certain direction and , therefore, used these standards in the development of the Saturno V Artificial Intelligence system, with which it won more than 20 international awards for high performance in fund rankings such as Preqin, Barclay's Hedge and IASG.
Between 1999 and 2006, even without any academic training, Hindemburg was a prominent participant in the private forums and discussion groups of the main communities for the gifted and genius, to the point of receiving invitations to become an honorary member in some of the most exclusive high IQ societies. in the world, in several countries on 5 continents, always exempt from all fees and exemption from entrance exams, only in exchange for actively participating in the groups, sharing their opinions and knowledge. See what people say about Hindemburg
  groups .

Hindemburg is founder of Sigma Society, a multidisciplinary cultural association for people with an IQ above 132 on the Stanford-Binet scale, similar to Mensa. He is also the founder of Sigma VI, for people with an IQ above 196 on the Stanford-Binet scale. He is the author of Sigma Test and Sigma Test VI. The Sigma Test has been translated into 14 languages, has been published in 7 peer-reviewed journals and is accepted as a criterion for admission to many high-IQ societies in different countries on 5 continents. The Sigma Test is considered one of the hardest and most creative cognitive exams out there. See Marco Ripà 's article about the Sigma Test here and see the opinions of some prominent intellectuals about this test at this link: testimonials . See also the article written by Albert Frank about the Sigma Test and published in Papyrus ” magazine:  Albert was Professor of Logic and Mathematics at the University of Brussels, international referee in several scientific journals, was Brussels Chess Champion and Veteran Champion of Belgium.


The following table shows some statistical information about the theoretical distribution of each IQ range, based on the Stanford-Binet scale (mean=100 and standard deviation=16). It is important to note that although the Gaussian distribution is a good approximation for the actual distribution of scores in the range between -2 and +2 standard deviations, when considering scores above +2 and especially above +2.5 standard deviations, the percentages observed empirically are substantially larger than those predicted by the theoretical distribution. To better understand this process, it is recommended that you read the articles listed on this page, especially the 2003 and 2004 Sigma Test standards. 

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